We can still help you create content during these socially distanced and remote working times. You can still get your message out there, it just needs to be created safely.
Costs are lower when we work remotely and so if any of these options would be useful to you, get in touch.
On-site filming: As we return to the ‘new normal’, we can provide a safe, zero contact filming setup, whether this is in an offiice or at home, to produce high quality video content.
Self-taping: If your staff can film themselves for updates this can be edited together with slide content and distributed. We can offer guidelines on filming at home to get the best quality possible. This includes a short video call to us to make any final adjustments before recording begins.
Slide content with voiceover: If you have a deck of content, charts, etc., these can be quickly synchronised to a script and animated if needed. An external voiceover artist can be employed to read and record the script, or the voiceover can be self-recorded in-house and transferred over via DropBox/WeTransfer/etc. Once completed, the video can be uploaded and distributed across the usual channels.
Zoom video: We can arrange a Zoom meeting where the speaker (and interviewer, if preferred) dials into the Plainview Media meeting room. The meeting is recorded via Zoom, edited with content and then distributed. While we host the meeting, we remain muted and invisible throughout.
Other video platforms: If you record a meeting via Zoom/Teams/GoTo, or have other existing video content, this footage can be sent over and edited into your house style.
The quality for the last two options will be ‘video conference’ quality, but it would be a fast way to get a message delivered – whether this is a single speaker, an interview or a team meeting.
Please get in touch if you’d like some more information on this.